Posts in Case Notes USA Court or Tribunal
US Supreme Court rules to reinstate in-person attendance requirements for abortion pill during Covid-19 pandemic

Food and Drug Administration v American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 592 U.S.__ (2021)

A majority of the Supreme Court of the United States stayed an order by the District Court which suspended the requirement that people attend a hospital or clinic in-person in order to obtain mifepristone, a prescription drug used for medical abortions.

In July 2020, the District Court found that the in-person requirement posed an “undue burden” on people seeking an abortion in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Supreme Court’s decision reinstates the Food and Drug Administration’s requirement that patients attend a hospital, clinic, or medical office to pick up mifepristone and sign a disclosure form.

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US Supreme Court holds that international organisations can be sued in landmark decision

Jam et al v International Finance Corp (586 U.S. ____ 2019)

In a landmark decision in which a group of Indian farmers and fishing communities sued the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in relation to pollution from a coal-fired power plant financed by them, the Supreme Court of the United States (Supreme Court) held that international organisations that have a sufficient nexus to the United States, such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation and World Bank, no longer enjoy full immunity from suit.

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Divided US Supreme Court rules on whether corporations can be held liable under the Alien Tort Statute

Jesner v Arab Bank Plc No. 16-499, 584 U.S. _(2018)

By a narrow 5-4 majority, the United States Supreme Court held that it did not have the authority under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) to determine civil liability for foreign corporations that engage in gross human rights violations in contravention of international law.

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