Joint Submission to Senate Inquiry on Lobbyists Access to Australian Parliament

The #OurDemocracy coalition are calling on the Albanese Government to overhaul lobbying laws and ensure our politicians are accountable to the people, not big industries.

In a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration, the #OurDemocracy coalition called on the Albanese Government to:

  1. Include professional lobbyists in Federal Lobbyists Register, and require them to disclose their meetings;

  2. Require Ministers, Shadow Ministers and senior staff to publish their diaries;

  3. Strengthen enforcement of the Lobbyist Code of Conduct; and

  4. Stop the revolving door of Ministers entering industry jobs.

Harmful industries like gambling, fossil fuels, weapons and tobacco have exploited Australia’s weak laws for financial gain, and caused significant harm to the lives of people and communities. These reforms would bring Australia in line with some of the strongest lobbying transparency laws in the world, including Ireland, Canada and Scotland.

Read the joint submission here