Dignity for People in Prison
Our vision: An Australia where governments are working towards closing, rather than opening, prisons; where all people behind bars are treated with dignity; and where governments and private operators are held accountable for human rights abuse in prisons.
Our focus

Abuse thrives behind prison walls and we advocate to end particularly cruel and degrading practices, including routine strip searching and the use of spit hoods and restraint chairs.

We call for greater oversight and transparency to prevent abuse behind prison walls. This includes advocating for the effective implementation of the United Nations’ anti-torture treaties, including the protocol which requires independent inspections and monitoring of places of detention to be implemented across Australia.
How we work
We recognise the close connection between growing imprisonment rates, racial injustice and the risk of people being subjected to human rights abuses behind bars. While our primary focus is always on reducing the number of people being pipelined into prisons, we also work in partnership with Aboriginal organisations, community legal centres and other partners to call for an end to harmful prison practices for those people currently trapped in the criminal legal system, and advocate for greater oversight and transparency of human rights abuses committed in places of detention.
What we’re working on

Key projects
Our Dignity for People in Prison team is working on these key projects
No one should be subjected to abuse in prisons and places of detention. Yet cruel and degrading treatment is all too common in prisons and police cells across Australia. The UN’s anti-torture treaty, the Convention Against Torture and the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT), are designed to end the mistreatment of people behind bars.
Strip searching is carried out routinely in Australian prisons, despite the availability of non-invasive alternatives. Strip searches rob people of their dignity and can be traumatising for survivors of abuse. The Human Rights Law Centre advocates for an end to the use of routine strip searching in Australian prisons.
The Human Rights Law Centre is advocating to change regressive bail laws across the country that are driving up the number of unsentenced people in prison. These dangerous laws are not making the community safer, instead, they are increasing the overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in prisons and targeting women experiencing disadvantage.

News, reports and explainers
Get the full story with our latest news and opinion pieces, human rights reports and explainers on key issues from our team
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