Victoria must not become first state in democratic world to wind back protection of human rights

Victoria will become the first state in the developed, democratic world to substantially weaken the legal protection of human rights if the recommendations of a parliamentary committee on the future of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights are accepted. The Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee today tabled its review of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. While the Committee recommends against repeal of the Charter, it does recommend that courts have no role or a substantially reduced role in enforcing human rights and providing remedies when they are breached. It also recommends that government departments and public services have no or reduced obligations to act compatibly with rights

“Overall, the Committee’s report is profoundly disappointing,” said Phil Lynch, Executive Director of the Human Rights Law Centre. “The recommendations do not reflect the overwhelming evidence as to the value and benefits of Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights. These benefits include greater government accountability, more responsive public services, and a better deal for some of Victoria’s most vulnerable groups, such as people with disability, people with mental illness and the homeless.”

Mr Lynch said that while the report made some welcome recommendations that could streamline and strengthen parliamentary scrutiny of the human rights impacts of proposed laws, most of the proposed reforms were regrettable and regressive. “Parliament has an important role to play in promoting and protecting human rights, but it’s not the be all and end all. Government and public services also have a critical role to play in respecting human rights and courts in upholding them,” said Mr Lynch.

“This review should have been used as an opportunity to strengthen the human rights of all Victorians, such as by amending the Charter to enshrine the rights to adequate housing, education and health care,” he said. “Instead, if enacted, the recommendations will reduce government accountability and Victorians’ access to a fair deal if their rights are breached.”

The Victorian Government has six months to respond to the report. “If the Baillieu Government is serious about its commitment to a fair and just Victoria, it will reject most of the recommendations in this report,” said Mr Lynch. “Victorians deserve greater recognition and protection of values such as freedom, dignity, equality and respect, not less.”

The SARC report is available at

The Human Rights Law Centre submission to the inquiry is here.


Phil Lynch (03) 8636 4450 or 0438 776 433

Ben Schokman (03) 8636 4451 or 0403 622 810