My ID, my identity - equality for trans people

For most people, updating their birth certificate is really simple. But for trans or gender diverse people, updating your birth certificate so it correctly reflects your gender, can be almost impossible.

A birth certificate is the first document a person has – it says who you are, and where you belong.

Being forced to use ID that doesn't match your identity creates daily problems when applying for a job, going to Centrelink or enrolling to study.

We can make it easier for people who have to update their ID so that it accurately reflects their identity. Join the call for all governments in every state and territory to remove the unnecessary barriers that prevent trans and gender diverse people from updating their ID.

This is about #MyIDMyIdentity

Our work

This campaign is a partnership between Human Rights Law Centre and trans and gender diverse advocates and community organisations. The Human Rights Law Centre provides legal and human rights expertise to local community organisations working for fairer birth certificate laws.

We supported advocates to change SA birth certificate laws in 2017 and the push for reform in Victoria in 2016. We will continue to work with community advocates and organisations until we have fairer birth certificate laws for us all.

With our friends at the Equality Campaign, we've produced a video that explains why Australia won't have full marriage equality until these laws are changed.

FAQs - Everything you need to know >>

We're excited to be working in partnership with trans and gender diverse advocates and community organisations on another video which talks about why these simple changes are so important - watch this space!